Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Tourist Attractions in Bali " Kebun Raya "

Kebun Raya Bali is located in Bedugul area in the middle of the island about 60 kilometers from Denpasar in the south bedugul.
Kebun Raya , including one very beautiful tourist place suitable to be used as a place to relax with family, a place to play, but it is also used as Kebun Raya plant conservation. Kebun Raya are also a place to play outbound. plant collections in Kebun Raya very much ranging from beautiful flower plants and huge trees towering.
area of the Kebun Raya is vast, there presents a very fresh air and tranquility that make if we are going to feel comfortable there.
admission to these attractions are very affordable. for visitors who come to this tourist spot not to be afraid of getting lost because of the vast area of ​​this tourist spot due to the visitors get a map that helps us to where we are headed.

Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Tourist Attractions in Bali " Dreamland "

This beach is located in Pecatu area, an area in the southern part of Bali.

Dreamland is one of the very most beautiful beaches on the island of Bali, before entering the beach we would be served by a very beautiful view of a very green area. on the front before entering the beach there is a very nice statue, after passing the statue there is a golf course which is very spacious and suitable as a place to exercise.

Sand from the beaches of pure white color, very well maintained dreamland beach environment clean. This beach is also surrounded by towering limestone cliffs, but it also waves of this beach would make a great spot for surfing, the ocean from the beach is beautiful because berwarana turquoise makes this beach very attractive to migrants who vacation in bali

Tourist Attractions in Bali " Blue Point / Suluban Beach "

The location of this Suluban is in towards Uluwatu turn right continue to follow the road until the end and will find Suluban located in southern Bali.

Before heading to the beach area, we walked on the first rung pretty much, there are 2 places past the stairs, the first when aiming the sale of souvenirs and the second when down the beach cave or entrance areas

This beach presents a very beautiful white sand, as it also before heading to the beach we would be served by a very beautiful view of the cave, as if we were in the cave when entering the beach.

waves at this beach is great for surfing, so for those who like to surf please stop by this beautiful beach

Tourist Attractions in Bali "Traditional Village Penglipuran"

Penglipuran located in Kubu, Bangli Regency, Bali has a social life and unique culture. Penglipuran is still very traditional village, the atmosphere there is very cool and beautiful. interesting from this village are all exactly the home front.

Neatly arranged in such a village where the main area located higher and further dropped to stricken downstream. In addition to forward the same shape, also the shape uniformity of the material to make the house. Soil-like material for the walls and for the roof is made of bamboo for building penyengker and around the village.

In Penglipuran also include a bamboo forest that surrounds this Penglipuran.

Tourist Attractions in Bali "Pandawa Beach"

Pandawa beaches located in the southern village of Kuta subdistrict Kutuh, Badung regency of Bali, 3 km from Nusa dua and tourism areas and to Uluwatu Temple to the area this past towering limestone cliffs to the beach or in the limestone hills divide.

Before heading to the beach at the seaside there are Panca Pandawa statue carved in limestone cliffs are very high, that's what makes this beach has its own characteristics, but it also is a white sandy beach, the sea is very beautiful and suitable as a vacation spot for families

Tourist Attractions in Bali "Taman Ayun Temple"

According to the history, Taman Ayun was built by the king of Mengwi, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Made Agung in 1634 were used for the royal family of Mengwi. In the 17th century the kingdom of Mengwi kingdom was one among 8 other kingdoms in Bali, namely Klungkung, Karangasem, Buleleng, Gianyar, Tabanan, Bangli, Jembrana, and Badung. But in its development, the kingdom was conquered by the kingdom of Mengwi Badung. At that time the park is often used as a performing arts and culture and is often used also as a place of cockfighting (tajen). Taman Ayun with the arrangement of a traditional Balinese landscape surrounded by an artificial river, also planted with a variety of rare plant species typical of Bali. Taman Ayun temple also is an integral arrangement that blends with the environment around the park and lake.
Taman Ayun Temple is located in the village of Mengwi, Badung regency. The distance is about 18km North-West direction, the city of Denpasar. This temple is one of the most beautiful temples in Bali. This temple has a structure typical of Bali, which is -shaped "castle" or a type with the Meru, also surrounded by a lake. The lake here has a depth of almost 10 meters
Temple complex was divided into 3 different pages. Which is one higher than the other 3 symbolizes nature, namely; subconscious (bhur), the middle of nature (Bvah), and the nature of (Svah). Each page linked by the gate. The third page is a page that is considered the most holy, because praying activities carried out there and on this page there are several Meru and other holy buildings.
Every 210 days to be exact every Tuesday of Kliwon Medangsia, the whole community celebrates Mengwi piodalan for a few days adored God with all manifestations. The first page is called with Jaba. to achieve Jaba just get past the lake bridge to the gate. On entering the gate there is a small monument. Useful for guarding the entrance and right next to the building there is a large (wantilan) where cockfighting are held frequently during ceremony. In this page temple, there is also a fountain monument to the 9-way direction of the wind. To get to the next page temple, to the right of the road there is a small _ complex with name Luhuring Purnama temple. The second page of a steeper position first.For page go to this page temple, visitors must pass through the second gate. Foot steps when entering the gate temple, the view will be on a building Aling-aling Pengubengan Bale is decorated with reliefs illustrate of Gods Nawa Sanga. To the east of this page there is a small temple called Dalem Bekak temple, while in the west corner there is a soaring Bale Kulkul. The third page is the highest and most sacred. The most central Gelung door will be opened when there is a ceremony, where turnover a statue and other ceremonial equipment. While the gate is on the left is the right to enter and exit daily activities at the temple.

Based on the language of Mengwi, the temple is now we call the Taman Ayun Temple, was once newly completed when consecrated in 1634M called Taman Ayun. Taman Ayun originated from the word meaning garden park, and Ayun word Hyun meaning of the word desire this temple founded in the garden surrounded by a lake that can satisfy the desire. Hyun said that is turned into Swing. But understanding is a little different from the Swing Hyun said that. Ayun word means beautiful. So Taman Ayun means park or garden that is beautiful and radiant.

Taman Ayun Temple was built in the 17th century, precisely in 1634 by the first king of the Kingdom of Mengwi, Tjokorda Sakti Blambangan. He is helped by the architect who came from China. Pages arranged in such a a beautiful _ and surrounded by a lake. Which is then restored in 1937 is decorated by Meru-meru and magnificent are intended both for the ancestral kingdom and for the gods who inhabit the other temple in Bali. At first, the temple was founded as temples when the available away too far to reach by public Mengwi. Therefore, the King set up a shrine with some buildings as penyawangan (symbols) than the 9 major temples in Bali, such as Besakih temple, Ulundanu temple, Batur temple, Uluwatu temple, Batukaru temple, and other major temples there are in Bali. With locations in the area, he hopes the people of the kingdom not be far away if you want to pryers.

I Sugih Teken I tiwas

Ada tuturan satua I sugih teken I tiwas
I sugih ia sugih pesan, nanging demit ajan ngajak anak lenan
Tur ia enggal iri ati, jail teken anak lenan
To mawinan tusing ada anak demen ngajak I sugih.
I tiwas buka adanne tiwas pesan
Nanging melah solahne tusing care men sugih
tusing demen jail ngajak anak len
Geginanne i tiwas tuah kealase ngalih saang
lakar adepe ka peken
Nuju dina anu I tiwas kumah i sugih ngidih api
ditu ngomong i sugih
"ih tiwas, alihin ja icang kutu !
Yen suba telah nyanan upahina baas"
I tiwas ngalihin kutun I sugihe.
Sube tengai mara suud.
I tiwas upahina baas acrongcong.
Ia ngencolang mulih, lantas baase ento jakane
I sugih jumahne masiksikan, maan kutu aukud
Nenggalang ia keumah i tiwas, laut ngomong kene
"ihh tiwas, ene icang maan kutu aukud.
jani mai ulihang baas icange i tuni"
masaut I tiwas " yeh, baase i tuni suba jakan tiang"
masaut I sugih " nah, ento suba aba mai anggon pasilih!"
nasine ane suba ngantiang lebeng ento juanga.
Kayang kuskusanne abana baan I sugih
nyananne buin teka i sugih laut ngomong
" ihh tiwas, i tuni bena nyilih api teken saang
Api teken saang icange ento patut manakan.
Jani mai aba panak apine teken saang icange ento!"
Ditu lantas api I tiwase juanga baan i sugih
Tekaning saangne apesel
gede masih juanga
I tiwas bengong ngenehang lacurne buka keto
Maninne I tiwas tundena nebuk padi baan i sugih
lakar upahina baas duang crongcong
i tiwas nyak nebuk kanti sanja mara pragat
upahina ia baas, laut encol mulih lantas nyakan
i sugih jumahne nyeksek baasne, maan latah dadua
Ditu encol ia kumah i tiwase
suba teked laut ngomong
"ihh tiwas, ene baase enu misi latah dadua
jani ulihang baas icang e
Yan sube majakan, ento aba mai"
Suud ia ngomong keto, lantas jakanan I tiwase juange
kayang payukne masih juanga baan i sugih
Sedek dina anu I tiwas luas ke alase
krasak-krososk ngalih saang
saget teka sang kidang tur ngomong
" ihhh tiwas, apa kaalih ditu?
masaut i tiwas tur nasarin pesan,
"tiang ngalih saang teken paku"
"lakar anggon apa ngalih paku?"
masaut i tiwas " lakar anggon tiang jukut"
"ih tiwas, lamun nyai nyak nyeluk jit nirane,
ditu ada pabaang nira teken nyai!"
Ditu lantas seluka jit kidang e
Mara kedenga, bek limanne misi mas teken slaka
Suud keto sang kidang ilang
I tiwas kendel pesan lantas mulih
Teked jumah ia luas ka pande
Nunden ngae gelang, bungkung teken kalung
I tiwas jani sugih liu ngelah mas slaka
Makejang pianakne nganggon bungah
magelang, mabungkung, makalung mas.
Lantas ia pesu mblanja
ditu tepukina i tiwas teken i sugih
ia jengis delak delik ngiwasin pianakne i tiwas
maninne i sugih ka umahne i tiwas metakon
" ih tiwas, dija nyai maan slaka liu?"
masaut I tiwas,
" kene mbok, ibi tiang ka alase ngalih lakar jukut
saget ada kidang nunden nyeluk jitne
Lantas seluk tiang ditu maan mas teken slaka"
mara keto i sugih ngencolang mulih
maninne i sugih ngamaluin luas ka alase
i sugih nyaru-nyaru buka anake tiwas
Ditu ia krasak-krosok ngalih saang teken paku
Saget teka sang kidang, tur metakon
"nyen ento krasak-krososk?"
masaut i sugih sambilang maakin sang kidang
"tiang i tiwas uli puan tiang tuara nyakan"
i sugih klebet-klebet bayunne kendel pesan
masaut sang kidang,
"ihh tiwas, mai dini seluk jit nitane"
mara keto lantas seluka jit kidange ento
mara macelep limanne, lantas kijem jit kidang e
i sugih pida abana ka dui duine
I sugih ngeling aduh aduh katulung-tulung
"nunas ica, nunas ica, lebang tiang!
Tiang kapok, tiang kapok"
Di pangkunge I sugih mara lebanga
ia pepetengan, awakne matatu babak belur
di subane inget ia magaang mulih
teked jumahne lantas ia gelem makelo
keto upah anake loba tur iri hati...